Tommy sets a screen!

Tommy sets a screen!
Logan drives the lane!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 17th update

September 17, 2010                                      
SOCIAL STUDIES: The 5th, 6th and 7th grade students made great progress this week with their study of geography.  They will have a geography test on Sept 20th or 21st (depending on which day they have me for social studies).  The test will focus on map reading and longitude/latitude.   They should know how to read and write coordinates (longitude and latitude) since we have spent days reviewing this.  I will give the students a map and the coordinates (longitude and latitude) of a particular country or city, then they will have to tell me which country or city the coordinates are referring to.   I will also ask them to write the coordinates of a particular city or country.  (They don’t have to memorize any maps as I will provide a map.)  They will also have to know (memorize) the following terms
A.) Equator                     B.) Longitude           C.) Latitude
D.) Tropic of Cancer     E.) Tropic of Capricorn     F.) Prime Meridian
G.) International Date Line
SPELLING:  If your child is in the 5th or 6th grade, they will have a spelling test next Wednesday, September 22nd.  I have inserted a list of their spelling words into this Friday Folder, so you will have an opportunity to help your child study their words this weekend.  In addition, I have added the words for the spelling test the following week as well.
It was great seeing many of you at the Open House/Carnival last night.  Feel free to contact me at any time if you have a question or concern about your child’s progress.  Have a great weekend.
Jim Shea  (cell: 371-8068)

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